Stampede City Pinball
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SCP Results and Statistics

  • 3 leagues
  • 8 seasons
  • 111 players
  • 60 machines
  • 50 meets
  • 567 groups
  • 9,441 scores


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Stampede City Pinball League "Expansion"

Results and Stats

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Lifetime Stats

Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

Stampede City Pinball League "Pioneer"

Results and Stats

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Lifetime Stats

Machine Stats - Player Stats - Outscored % - ALL Stats

Stampede City Pinball League "???"

We're setting up this league now... check back here soon!


Badge Leaders

Doug Teale46
Scott Glauser37
Wes Balla37
Perry Sipos36
Mike Tzanakos35
...complete list...

Uncommon Badges

Try to earn these!

Snake Eyeses Snake Eyeses

2 people have this.
Sneak In Sneak In

Bertha Staddon has this.
Middle of the Road Middle of the Road

3 people have this.

League Manager Created By
League Manager Produced By
Free State Pinball Association
Web Hosting Donated By