Stampede City Pinball
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SCPL 'Pioneer' Season 5 (Fall 2018)
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing season stats - click for lifetime stats)

  Al Miller Clark Dickson Eric Moore Ken Fyten
BIg Game

 Low: 488,850
 Avg: 488,850 (1 play)
High: 488,850

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays


 Low: 95,743,760
 Avg: 255,324,260 (3 plays)
High: 378,956,370

 Low: 203,301,550
 Avg: 203,301,550 (1 play)
High: 203,301,550

 Low: 186,556,670
 Avg: 372,688,190 (2 plays)
High: 558,819,700

 Low: 68,190,310
 Avg: 122,621,140 (4 plays)
High: 178,729,250


 Low: 2,126,710
 Avg: 2,593,240 (2 plays)
High: 3,059,760

 Low: 1,128,180
 Avg: 2,914,450 (3 plays)
High: 6,338,600

 Low: 3,906,930
 Avg: 3,906,930 (1 play)
High: 3,906,930

 Low: 2,701,310
 Avg: 3,045,920 (2 plays)
High: 3,390,530


 Low: 2,954,050
 Avg: 2,954,050 (1 play)
High: 2,954,050

 Low: 380,180
 Avg: 380,180 (1 play)
High: 380,180

 Low: 549,300
 Avg: 549,300 (1 play)
High: 549,300

 Low: 734,110
 Avg: 734,110 (1 play)
High: 734,110

Fish Tales

 Low: 25,917,190
 Avg: 54,355,620 (3 plays)
High: 84,164,390

 Low: 13,266,350
 Avg: 78,004,350 (3 plays)
High: 125,000,230

 Low: 14,733,910
 Avg: 28,689,360 (4 plays)
High: 44,735,350

 Low: 7,845,400
 Avg: 90,111,760 (5 plays)
High: 282,710,190


 Low: 68,393
 Avg: 246,670 (4 plays)
High: 423,918

 Low: 52,710
 Avg: 211,150 (4 plays)
High: 560,462

 Low: 70,438
 Avg: 269,900 (4 plays)
High: 685,523

 Low: 143,039
 Avg: 365,740 (4 plays)
High: 583,038


No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 208,390
 Avg: 208,390 (1 play)
High: 208,390

Monster Bash

 Low: 142,335,730
 Avg: 142,335,730 (1 play)
High: 142,335,730

 Low: 10,225,390
 Avg: 25,720,560 (3 plays)
High: 48,338,470

 Low: 8,642,520
 Avg: 48,304,640 (3 plays)
High: 123,816,720

 Low: 4,332,000
 Avg: 8,320,130 (3 plays)
High: 13,365,170

Spiderman (VE)

 Low: 88,668,120
 Avg: 88,668,120 (1 play)
High: 88,668,120

 Low: 6,565,430
 Avg: 19,819,970 (5 plays)
High: 41,693,810

 Low: 12,778,900
 Avg: 21,849,070 (6 plays)
High: 29,997,650

 Low: 8,811,410
 Avg: 23,762,600 (3 plays)
High: 41,570,340

Star Race

 Low: 205,550
 Avg: 205,550 (1 play)
High: 205,550

 Low: 128,280
 Avg: 248,800 (2 plays)
High: 369,310

No Plays

 Low: 74,810
 Avg: 132,560 (2 plays)
High: 190,300

The Shadow

 Low: 133,540,880
 Avg: 133,540,880 (1 play)
High: 133,540,880

 Low: 101,257,250
 Avg: 138,326,960 (2 plays)
High: 175,396,660

 Low: 65,521,100
 Avg: 122,071,270 (2 plays)
High: 178,621,430

 Low: 19,160,770
 Avg: 26,420,830 (2 plays)
High: 33,680,880

The Walking Dead

 Low: 11,001,870
 Avg: 21,664,750 (3 plays)
High: 37,072,600

 Low: 12,988,330
 Avg: 34,366,270 (4 plays)
High: 94,407,620

 Low: 18,340,460
 Avg: 35,797,550 (3 plays)
High: 48,032,980

 Low: 6,727,070
 Avg: 15,234,900 (3 plays)
High: 23,293,960

Total Nuclear Annihilation

 Low: 335,680
 Avg: 344,310 (2 plays)
High: 352,940

 Low: 297,160
 Avg: 605,020 (4 plays)
High: 991,472

 Low: 693,332
 Avg: 1,043,140 (3 plays)
High: 1,529,322

 Low: 477,350
 Avg: 490,540 (2 plays)
High: 503,722


 Low: 1,231,250
 Avg: 1,694,110 (2 plays)
High: 2,156,960

 Low: 1,104,710
 Avg: 1,124,600 (2 plays)
High: 1,144,480

 Low: 1,852,360
 Avg: 1,852,360 (1 play)
High: 1,852,360

 Low: 1,029,000
 Avg: 1,487,620 (3 plays)
High: 1,901,570

Wipe Out

No Plays

 Low: 314,287,320
 Avg: 314,287,320 (1 play)
High: 314,287,320

No Plays

No Plays

Playoff Game Selection Rules