Stampede City Pinball
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SCPL 'Pioneer' Season 5 (Fall 2018)
Player vs. Player Stats

Machine Stats

(showing season stats - click for lifetime stats)

  Bertha Staddon Janet Smith Mathew Koskoski Peter Cardozo
BIg Game

 Low: 251,280
 Avg: 251,280 (1 play)
High: 251,280

No Plays

 Low: 276,570
 Avg: 276,570 (1 play)
High: 276,570

No Plays


 Low: 251,735,890
 Avg: 421,058,430 (2 plays)
High: 590,380,970

 Low: 246,276,560
 Avg: 265,751,040 (2 plays)
High: 285,225,520

 Low: 62,235,700
 Avg: 62,235,700 (1 play)
High: 62,235,700

 Low: 257,227,840
 Avg: 257,227,840 (1 play)
High: 257,227,840


 Low: 132,370
 Avg: 1,105,150 (3 plays)
High: 2,661,550

 Low: 579,220
 Avg: 1,057,080 (3 plays)
High: 1,338,910

 Low: 1,420,880
 Avg: 2,089,490 (2 plays)
High: 2,758,100

 Low: 819,030
 Avg: 2,521,310 (3 plays)
High: 4,307,940

Fish Tales

 Low: 27,553,900
 Avg: 50,368,190 (2 plays)
High: 73,182,470

 Low: 46,534,490
 Avg: 46,534,490 (1 play)
High: 46,534,490

 Low: 10,055,920
 Avg: 10,055,920 (1 play)
High: 10,055,920

 Low: 9,157,460
 Avg: 33,818,940 (3 plays)
High: 53,572,980


 Low: 40,249
 Avg: 192,100 (2 plays)
High: 343,944

 Low: 31,371
 Avg: 72,490 (3 plays)
High: 146,235

No Plays

 Low: 113,486
 Avg: 124,840 (2 plays)
High: 136,188


 Low: 128,110
 Avg: 128,110 (1 play)
High: 128,110

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

Monster Bash

 Low: 4,436,250
 Avg: 5,806,740 (3 plays)
High: 6,766,520

 Low: 3,886,260
 Avg: 10,585,190 (2 plays)
High: 17,284,120

No Plays

 Low: 2,765,670
 Avg: 20,309,600 (3 plays)
High: 45,537,270

Spiderman (VE)

 Low: 2,286,210
 Avg: 14,329,790 (4 plays)
High: 43,781,960

 Low: 7,591,250
 Avg: 7,591,250 (1 play)
High: 7,591,250

 Low: 5,198,030
 Avg: 5,198,030 (1 play)
High: 5,198,030

 Low: 48,209,270
 Avg: 48,209,270 (1 play)
High: 48,209,270

Star Race

No Plays

No Plays

 Low: 215,080
 Avg: 215,080 (1 play)
High: 215,080

No Plays

The Shadow

 Low: 85,321,320
 Avg: 85,321,320 (1 play)
High: 85,321,320

No Plays

No Plays

No Plays

The Walking Dead

 Low: 7,467,450
 Avg: 12,955,070 (4 plays)
High: 19,216,630

 Low: 6,472,770
 Avg: 11,314,300 (5 plays)
High: 19,483,730

 Low: 13,416,990
 Avg: 13,416,990 (1 play)
High: 13,416,990

 Low: 7,163,590
 Avg: 18,889,000 (3 plays)
High: 39,940,950

Total Nuclear Annihilation

 Low: 26,090
 Avg: 277,990 (6 plays)
High: 543,811

 Low: 272,060
 Avg: 357,450 (4 plays)
High: 535,181

 Low: 118,520
 Avg: 215,280 (2 plays)
High: 312,040

 Low: 170,750
 Avg: 357,760 (2 plays)
High: 544,760


 Low: 1,766,050
 Avg: 1,766,050 (1 play)
High: 1,766,050

 Low: 1,165,790
 Avg: 1,489,590 (4 plays)
High: 2,262,860

No Plays

 Low: 1,397,080
 Avg: 1,417,140 (2 plays)
High: 1,437,200

Playoff Game Selection Rules